Q: What's the most overrated thing?
A: Cheese
Q:What's your favorite movie?
A: Shrek
Q:Dream vacation spot?
A: Mykonos, Greece.
Q:Are you a warm weather or cold weather person?
A: Warm weather
Q:Favorite type of cuisine?
A: Peruvian
Q:Favorite animal?
Q:Favorite font?
A: cursive
Q:If money wasn't an issue, what is the first item you would get that isn't an essential item?
A: A yatch.
Q:Dog or cat person?
A: cat <3
Q:What is your favorite way to relax or detox?
A:Reading/ Going for a walk.
What is a TV show you currently recommend?
A: I'm not watching anything at the moment.
Q:Favorite season?
A: Fall
Q:What did you do for winter break?
A: Visited my family and old friends.
Q:What is your pet peeve?
A: Don't think I have one.
Q:What's your favorite game to play?
Q:What is your favorite book genre?
A: Mystery
Q:What is your favorite song by an artist you don't generally listen to?
A: ...
Q:Excluding any actual military figures from history, if you had a zombie army who would you make the general and why?
A: I dont have an answer for this question.
Q:What is your food hot take?
A: Pinnaple on pizza